HangNight™ conceived and conceptualized by Kai Heath, began in February of 2014. The monthly event is an open mash-up of artistic expression that includes visual artists, open mic, music and vocal performances. No evening is exactly the same and might just as well include dance performers, an essayists reading their work or a mini-fashion presentation. The evening is malleable with expressive art as the common language and theme. Artists present their work and also have an opportunity to engage in open Q&A which is highly encouraged.
The HangNight™ community is diverse, inclusive, safe, multi-generational and judgement free. All artists, creatives and art lovers are invited to joyfully share and exchange. We highly encourage visual and performing artists of all ages to show up and BE SEEN AND BE HEARD. Meet potential new friends and collaborators. HangNight™ takes place the last Friday of every month in Harlem’s Heath Gallery. Follow us on iG to stay abreast of next dates.